2014 will be the year of going public once again, with my thoughts, perspectives, opinions, and perhaps recipes and rants; not just mobile phone photos.
I started a new job in late August of 2013, which has so far taught me a lot more than I had even imagined. I knew it was going to be a change, and growth of my skill set, but it has exceeded my expectations. One thing that I didn't expect, was the epic writing I would find in my inbox. From the lightest most informal of notes soliciting girl scout cookie sales--with flair and style that included references to unicorns--to deep and engaging analysis of the latest trends in interactive journalistic storytelling on the web, I have been impressed with the care, consideration and effort that my new team takes to communicate with each other and the world.
From those messages I have discovered numerous new-to-me inspirational websites, and in the rabbit hole of linking from one to the next and so on, I found the Pastry Box Project, following links from Bobulate.com, jumped over to Medium, and find that the internet is telling me what I was already thinking quietly to myself -- Write More. And so, on January 3rd, 2014 I submit my first new post, resolving to write something here, on this ancient blog I started years ago when phone-blogging was new, in just 1 to 5 minutes a day. It might be trite or unimportant, but I will write more this year. The internet is telling me to, and this exercise, even when writing silly notes and such,will serve to make me better prepared when I want or need to write something of depth and importance.
So far my only rule is 1 to 5 minutes of writing, so brace yourselves, we're going into the unknown together. With no ideas but also no limits.
And here's one last link to get you on board too.
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